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HYMNS - For Home and Church 2024

In advance of the publication of the new global hymnbook of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Hymns—For Home and Church,  small groups of new hymns are being released digitally every few months until the full collection becomes available in print. These selections will include both hymns and children’s songs, all of which can be used at home, in sacrament meeting, and in other Church meetings.


Hymbellishments, (embellishments) for organ or piano to be used as hymn introductions, interludes, and last-verse accompaniments.


NEW! Hymndications, rewritings for organists of the original hymn with "indications" for voice-line redistributions, pedaling, playing or tying repeated notes, and articulation.


Hymndications for organ do not use commas for repeated notes; each repeated note to be played is labeled with a finger number. Also, no hymn texts are included, but Hymndications are meant to be studied side by side with the hymnal. Breathing within phrases or at phrase endings can be penciled in the score for each phrase, like this:


 / (partial break)

 | (complete break)

 ---- (no breath)


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#1001 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Tune: NETTLETON)
1001 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

#1003 It Is Well with My Soul

It Is Well with My Soul (Tune: VILLE DU HAVRE)
1003 It Is Well with My Soul

#1008 Bread of Life, Living Water

Bread of Life, Living Water (Tune: HEALING GRACE)
1008 Bread of Life, Living Water

#1010 Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace (Tune: NEW BRITAIN)
#1010 Amazing Grace

#1013 God's Gracious Love

God's Gracious Love (Tune: BLOTT EN DAG)
#1013 God's Gracious Love

#1017 This Is the Christ

This Is the Christ (Tune: THIS IS THE CHRIST)
#1017 This Is the Christ
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